Future trends in video games

- 1 minuto de lectura

Future trends in video games

Undoubtedly, it is in video games where we can see the technological evolution. If we look back over the last fifteen years, we can see big differences in the method of playing and programming video games. But in some aspects, we still have the same limitations today. Our contact with video reality is always through a monitor and a keyboard. The most advanced thing we have is a joystick or a steering wheel and virtual reality goggles.

Someday technology will allow us all to create virtual scenes that are no different from the real world. Maybe someday we will have a device capable of simulating smells. And imagining a little further, someday we will connect to the computer or console that will be connected to the whole world and create an alternate reality in our minds.

This sounds horrible, but I don’t think that technological development will lead to a dehumanized society with everyone connected to a computer. Social relationships will not disappear, unless we find in the virtual world a better society than in the real world.