My mobile phone dependency

- 1 minuto de lectura

My mobile phone dependency

Mobile telephony is undeniably one of the greatest technological advances of recent years. Setting aside potential health impacts of radiation from cell phones, the benefits of mobile technology are clear.

Primarily, I use my phone for calls, and I’d describe my usage as “moderate.” I only call friends and a few clients, always with a specific purpose in mind. Most of my conversations don’t last more than two minutes, though there are, of course, exceptions. I simply don’t understand lengthy phone conversations.

Although I don’t overuse my mobile and rarely use other features like internet access, SMS, or MMS, I admit I never leave home without it. If I do forget it (a rare occurrence), I often go back to retrieve it. This reliance may be the only real downside I experience: a subtle but noticeable dependence on my phone.